Brand awareness is crucial, especially if you’re a thriving business in the market space. Customers associate brands with specific products only if they’re well-versed with the brand’s unique offering. According to Statista, worldwide digital spending is about to reach $836 billion USD by 2026.

With too many options available, it can be daunting to choose the right digital marketing strategy. Spending money on running ads is of no use if you’re not able to build a reliable brand. Enhancing brand awareness with PPC (Pay-Per-Click) is one of the most strategic ways to spend money when working on brand building.

In this read, you’ll learn about some of the best and surest ways to enhance brand awareness using PPC campaigns. Let’s get started.

Why is Brand Awareness Important?

Brand awareness is the first and foremost step of the marketing funnel. It refers to the customers’ ability to recall or recognize your brand. The degree to which your customers know who you are and how your brand stands out is a great way to gauge your brand’s awareness.

You need to have a brand awareness campaign in order to capture customers in the long term. After all, you cannot simply run sales ads without depicting a complete brand story to the audience.

“90% of all purchasing decisions are made subconsciously.” – ISPO

For instance, if you go to a supermarket and always pick up a specific brand of toothpaste, you’re wired subconsciously to make that decision.

Now, you must be thinking that it takes years to build brand awareness. How can you do it overnight, especially if you’re new in a crowded marketplace? Apparently, you can’t. However, you can effectively enhance brand awareness using PPC!

You can target the audience on the following channels by using PPC campaigns for brand awareness:

What is Meant By a PPC Campaign?

PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click. It is a pricing model to attract traffic to a website. As the name suggests, PPC campaigns are ad campaigns that are run by a publisher on various channels, such as search engines, websites, etc. Every time a user clicks on an ad, the advertiser pays the publisher for each of the clicks.

Brand awareness can either be created by organic marketing or by using paid tactics like PPC campaigns. Organic marketing takes a long time to show its results. On the other hand, running PPC campaigns accelerates the process of converting users to your e-commerce website.

Now that you know that it is vital to generate brand awareness using PPC. let’s find out the best methodologies to formulate this digital marketing strategy.

Sureshot Ways to Increase Brand Awareness With PPC Campaigns

Some of the best ways to enhance brand awareness through PPC campaigns are mentioned as follows:

Don’t just redirect to a sales page

While redirecting your PPC ads to a sales page might boost your product/service sales, it cannot engrain a deep impression on your customers. In order to boost brand awareness, you can redirect your customers to your company’s ‘About Us’ page.

For example, if you run a dental care brand, you can run ads for toothbrushes and redirect to a page that explains your brand’s Unique Selling Point (USP), such as biodegradability, disposability, etc.

Right people, right ads

You can enhance brand awareness with PPC by targeting the right set of people. It is a great strategy to target people with short and long-tail keywords. However, when you use precise keywords, it can be a game changer.

For example, if you’re a brand selling plumbing services, it’ll be an excellent strategy to run PPC campaigns for working singles who live in flats and are short on time. They sure will require your plumbing services at some time or another.

Retargeting is the answer

Diversifying your ad portfolio is a vital digital marketing strategy in running PPC campaigns. This is why it is a solid practice to run PPC ads on varied channels such as social media (Facebook/Instagram ads, TikTok ads), Google Ads, etc.

Customer retargeting is one of the best ways to target an audience strategically and enhance brand visibility and awareness. For instance, if you’re running a brand awareness campaign on Google, you can identify those users who engage with the ad and, later on, target them on Instagram ads.

A/B Testing is essential

Optimizing your brand awareness campaigns is significant and worthy of time. You must test and optimize your campaigns with time and gauge the results of each of the campaigns. Choose the one that works the best.

For example, you can run A/B testing, heatmaps, multivariate testing, and much more to check the efficiency of various PPC campaigns. Filter out the ones that work the best for you.

Complement PPC ads with other channels

Running PPC ads alone cannot work to bring conversions. You must run ads on cross-channels such as social media, email marketing, newsletters, etc. This can help enhance brand awareness in the long run. This strategy also ensures that the users are getting converted.

Now that you’re familiar with how to enhance brand awareness with PPC, you must be aware of major trends in PPC campaigns for a solid marketing strategy for 2024.

How to Measure the Success of Brand Awareness Campaigns?

Now that you know how to run brand awareness PPC campaigns, it is imperative to gauge the success of these campaigns. Therefore, there are certain metrics that help measure the success of PPC ads. These are discussed in detail below:


When you run ads on Google or other social media platforms, a lot of people happen to connect with the ads. However, they do not click on the ad. The number of times your ads are displayed, irrespective of whether someone clicked on them or not, is called impressions.

Although impressions are a metric that does not contribute to the revenue of your business, it does help significantly in creating brand awareness as it leaves an ‘impression’ on the users.


Reach refers to the number of people that your ad managed to reach via various search engines, social channels, or websites. It is an excellent metric to understand how well your ad is reaching the audience.

In other words, reach refers to the number of people who see your ad. It is the count of unique people who see your posted ads. It is another noteworthy metric to measure brand awareness campaign success.

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Out of all the people who come across your ad, how many of them are clicking your ad? To find the answer to this question, you need to calculate the click-through rate (CTR). It can be calculated as follows:

CTR = No. of clicks/No. of impressions

The average Click-Through Rate (CTR) for web searches is 1.91%.

Enhance Brand Awareness with Deftsoft Through PPC Experts

Are you looking for a pay-per-click agency? Then you’re at the right place. Deftsoft offers the best brand awareness services to help you grow your business. We help you curate the best digital marketing strategy, especially when working on PPC campaigns. We focus on the long-term goals and the bigger picture to help you achieve milestones for your business organization.

Deftsoft is a PPC company that offers various PPC packages that you can choose according to your own business needs. We have served numerous clients until now and successfully resolved their pain points. You can also talk to our experts, and we’ll provide you with the best possible solutions and digital marketing strategies.

It’s a Wrap!

That’s it for this blog. Beating the competition in the digital marketing space is a daunting yet achievable task. Brand awareness is the key to crack the code for long-term marketing success. It is crucial to engrain the image of your brand to make people come back for more. However, your brand image is not just limited to its logo and tagline; it takes much more than that.

Organic and paid marketing are the two main ways for a business organization to gain revenue. The latter accelerates the path to business success significantly and must be opted for by a growing business.

The year 2022 is about to end. So it’s time to buckle up your belt and start planning for 2023 PPC.

Undoubtedly paid ads and search engine results are important. However, many of us wonder why to worry about it. The answer to this question is that paid ads give better ROI.

You might not know that organic results only get 35 users out of 100. On the other hand, paid ads get 65 out of 100 users. Therefore, it becomes important to understand the latest PPC trends.
Keeping the same in mind, we, Deftsoft, in the post, have listed the top 10 PPC trends you know for 2023.

We have been successfully delivering digital marketing services for the last 17 years. With such great experience, we are saying that the PPC trend can dominate and potentially change online advertising for many online businesses.

Therefore getting familiar with the latest PPC trends is the key to building an effective advertisement strategy.

Go through the entire post and find the future PPC trends that may help you grow your business. If you don’t want to dive deep into this tech-related topic and want to grow your business, feel free to contact us.

So, keep scrolling down!

Table of Contents

  1. Try to be social
  2. PPC automation
  3. PPC integrated voice search
  4. Smart bidding
  5. Switch to quality content
  6. Jump into TikTok
  7. Combine PPC with SEO
  8. Don’t forget Bing and Yahoo
  9. Artificial intelligence (AI)
  10. Focus more on mobile

Trend #1: Try to be social

Seventy percent of people check their social media platforms once a month. As a result, PPC strategies that neglect social media may fall flat. Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, Tumbler, and LinkedIn are some of the famous social media platforms that people visit daily.

The younger generation uses multiple social media platforms. In 2022, many businesses are considering Facebook and Google for advertisement. But, expand your horizons if you want to increase your sales chances and earn more than bread and butter.

Trend #2: PPC automation

One of the biggest revolutions in PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising is using machine learning and artificial intelligence to manage Google and Bing ad tasks. In the year 2021, the global automation industry generated revenue of around $238 billion. Furthermore, the automation process is expected to grow to 80 percent by 2023. As a result, automation will play a major role in ads.

Trend #3: PPC integrated voice search

In 2023, the Voice Search with PPC will surely increase. This is because people love to talk with their digital devices like smartphones. So there is quite a strange stat on voice search sales. According to Juniper Research (UK-based analyst), voice commerce will generate $80+ billion in yearly sales.

Consumers search for local businesses using voice search on their smartphones. However, you can’t take voice search and PPC integration for granted from a business perspective if you want to deepen your business roots.

Trend #4: Smart bidding

Undoubtedly, Google Adwords bidding has never been a piece of cake. But with machine learning, you can optimize your ads for conversion. This is what smart bidding is called.

As Google’s AI system automatically optimizes conversions in each auction, smart bidding helps you to achieve ad goals according to your budget. It defines your goals to Google. Smart bidding includes target CPA, target ROAS, and maximized conversions.

Trend #5: Switch to quality content

Quality content is always a game-changer for digital marketers and business owners. Switch to content rather than focusing on current algorithms. Algorithms, artificial intelligence, and machine learning constantly change with time. But PPC campaigns must re-evaluate their methods in terms of content.

Users trust more human-created content rather than machine-generated automated content. Good quality content satisfies audience desires and experiences; rewards you better. Let us understand it with the help of an example.

Suppose you earn rewards on viewing ads while playing an online game. The game provides customers with a relaxing and enjoyable experience, encouraging them to play more again and again. In this way, they will earn rewards and fulfill the goal of your ads.

Trend #6: Jump into TikTok

Earlier in the post, we explained the importance of PPC advertising on giant social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook. We also explained that marketers have to increase their horizons. Therefore they can’t ignore the newest obsession. TikTok is constantly growing and offers amazing opportunities for PPC marketing.

Trend #7: Combine PPC with SEO

PPC and search engine optimization (SEO) can be congruous. Presently, many organizations combine these two to gain better results. With the help of effective ad copy analysis, digital marketers can produce content with improved quality for their PPC campaigns. In addition, long-tail keywords can enhance the rates and paid bidding plans.

There is some difference between SEO and PPC:

1. SEO

2. PPC

Trend #8: Don’t forget Bing and Yahoo

Bing is now all set to expand its capabilities and reach regarding advertising, data gathering, and targeting audiences. Statista, on December 2021, said that Bing holds around 7 percent of the market share. At the same time, Yahoo holds around 3 percent of the market share of some leading search engines.

Trend #9: Artificial intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence (AI) has shocked the entire IT industry. It is estimated that by 2030, AI will globally impact the economy by $15.7 trillion. With AI, digital marketers and online business runners can create more impactful PPC campaigns, including:

With the help of artificial intelligence, digital marketers can learn about their targeted audience’s behavior. In addition, it helps your PPC campaigns to perform better. You can also set up automated bids, optimize long-tail keywords, diagnose active keywords, etc.

Trend #10: Focus more on mobile

The smartphone user count is gradually increasing. Moreover, they have made up a significant impact on paid search impressions. So if you, as a digital marketer, have not yet optimized for mobile, you are missing out on something big.

Whether you build your current business website all-screen responsive or a separate website for mobile users, your brand’s platform must be mobile-friendly. In addition, you need to understand that PPC campaigns must tailor to mobile platforms to stay always two steps ahead in the game.